SELECT PGT-M – Take action!

Take action!

If you are a patient, thinking of opting for Preimplantation genetic testing (PGT):

  • Talk to your fertility specialist, IVF specialist or gynecologist first as these tests need a referral
  • Connect with our genetic counsellors and understand the benefits of these tests for you and your future children. Be informed and aware of the procedure and seek clarification wherever necessary.
  • Follow up with your fertility specialist, IVF specialist or gynecologist to understand the coverage of these tests and contact us if required.

If you are a Healthcare Provider, seeking a reliable laboratory to conduct Preimplantation genetic testing for your patients to support better IVF outcomes:
Fill in the Contact Us form along with the patient details and we will contact you.


The genetic counsellors review your family and medical history to ascertain your genetic disease risk. They also explain the process of the test and its implications so that you can take an informed decision.

DNA samples from you and your family, will help developing the SELECT PGT-M test for you. This pre-test preparation may take 3-4 weeks and can take place while you are undergoing IVF.

Embryos created by IVF are cultured until reaching blastocyst stage (5 or 6 days after fertilization).

A sample of about 4-6 cells are biopsied from the portion of the embryo destined to form the placenta. The inner cell mass, which will eventually form the baby, is not touched.

The removed cells are tested by our genetic experts to identify embryos that are affected with the genetic condition.

SELECT PGT-M analysis report along with genetic counselling is provided to the patient and the HCP. Implications of the test results and the outcomes are discussed along with the impact on the fertility journey.

Embryos that are unaffected by the targeted genetic condition will be selected for transfer into the uterus. The remaining unaffected embryos can be frozen for potential use in a future cycle. This step, supported by the test results, happens in your IVF clinic.

The results from SELECT PGT-M will identify each embryo as “affected” or “unaffected”, meaning carrier or normal-non carrier for the single gene disorder(s) tested. The embryos that are unaffected by the disorder will be suitable for transfer. This step, supported by the test results, happens in your IVF clinic.

Limitations of SELECT PGT-M

SELECT PGT-M is only successful if the genetic mutation(s) are identified. It cannot be offered in case the genetic disease is not known. There are exceptions to this situation and our genetic experts will review your family history to inform you of available SELECT PGT-M options.

SELECT PGT-M does not provide a 100% guarantee of a healthy baby but considerably minimizes the risk of genetic disease transmission. Technical limitations such as contamination may cause misdiagnosis.


Can SELECT PGT-M and SELECT PGT-A be done at the same time?

Yes. The same genetic material can be used to screen both the chromosomal health of the embryo (SELECT PGT-A) and to determine specific genetic conditions (SELECT PGT-M).

How long does it take to have SELECT PGT-M test results?

The Reprobiogen team provides the fastest results for all genetic testing. SELECT PGT-M results may be available in 3-5 weeks post-biopsy.