What is

The team of geneticists at Reprobiogen has developed a new patented process for preimplantation genetic testing for chromosomal structural rearrangements (SELECT PGT-SR), called STAR (STructural Analysis for Rearrangements). STAR PGT-SR combines the results of the two technologies the conventional SELECT PGT-SR as previously described plus the new advanced features of the STAR PGT-SR.

This new technology approach offers:

  • Superior process patented methodology versus the conventional SELECT PGT-SR testing
  • Fastest turnaround time for STAR PGT-SR test results (3-5 weeks)
  • Process patented technology to distinguish whether an embryo is euploid (non- translocation carrier) or euploid (translocation carrier)
  • Accurate, timely actionable results
  • Extensive validation on sensitivity and specificity
  • Avoids passing on the chromosome translocation to future generations
  • Possible to get two PGT genetics tests done in parallel for efficiency and to save time, for example SELECT PGT-A and STAR PGT-SR.


Patented technology driving best results

  • STAR PGT-SR is an advanced test for Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Structural Rearrangements designed for patients undergoing IVF when one or both genetic parents (gamete providers) have a known chromosomal abnormality and testing is performed on an embryo to determine if it also carries a genetic abnormality.
  • STAR PGT-SR can accurately discriminate embryos that carry a balanced chromosome rearrangement from those that do not.
  • STAR PGT-SR detects the presence of cryptic imbalances and complex rearrangements often missed by other conventional PGT-SR technologies. Chromosomal abnormalities are a major cause of mental retardation and multiple congenital anomalies.
  • In a clinical study approved by the University of Toronto we found that from 27 believably euploid embryos, detected with conventional PGT-SR methods, 11 of these embryos (41%) carried balanced chromosomal rearrangements (BCR) identified by STAR PGT-SR while the remainder 16 embryos (59%) were in fact truly euploids (healthy embryos)1. At the time this publication was submitted nine (9) euploid embryos, non-carriers of genetic translocations were transferred. Five (5) healthy babies were born, two (2) pregnancies were ongoing, one (1) miscarriage and one (1) didn’t implant. Such results show the superior efficacy of STAR PGT-SR versus conventional PGT-SR.
  • STAR PGT-SR new technology serves the need to prevent vertical transmission, from parents to children, of balanced chromosomal rearrangements.
  • The state-of-the-art Reprobiogen’s genetic laboratory is equipped with the newest technologies and equipment to perform the STAR PGT-SR TRanslocation Test.
  • Reprobiogen’s team of geneticists and technologists provide the most efficient SELECT PGT-SR test available to be sure the best healthy embryo is detected.

How can STAR PGT-SR test help me?

  • If one or both parents have a history of genetic diseases or translocations, they can opt for the STAR PGT-SR test to reduce the risk of having a pregnancy or child with an unbalanced structural abnormality, which involves extra or missing genetic material.
  • STAR PGT-SR may also be used to solve the problem of recurrent pregnancy loss by the selective collection of healthy embryos for IVF success.
  • Aside from the advantages of SELECT PGT-SR, already described, STAR PGT-SR technology is capable of detecting difficult to detect micro complex rearrangements that if missed can cause in some cases mental retardation and multiple congenital anomalies.
  • This is the only PGT-SR test that can give you peace of mind to find the best embryo to transfer

Who can I connect with for more information on STAR PGT-SR?
For more on referral and support, please reach out at

1. 1. Madjunkova S, Sundaravadanam Y, Antes R, et al. Detection of structural rearrangementsw in embryos. N Engl J Med 2020;382:2472-4: 10.1056/NEJMc1913370